domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

City of Secrets

Llamativo artista es Christopher Conn Askew. Sus trabajos, más cercanos a las técnicas  empleadas para la creación de carteles son una investigación continua de nuevos medios, empleando acrílicos, acuarelas, diversos soportes e incluso la mezcla de pigmentos con otros materiales como cenizas o su propia sangre, como él indica en su página.
  Los colores, los encuadres... todo sirve al fin de recrear su ciudad "mental" , una cuidad extraña, donde no todo es exactamente lo que parece:

 "Though all are welcome, this is not a city for everyone. This is a city populated by martyrs, talking animals, gods and goddesses, soldiers, whores, saints, thieves, suicides and monks. A city full of stairs that lead nowhere, of windows that look out onto starry blackness, or onto the gentle misty blues of a slowly falling evening. A city of endless open doors and smoky hallways, forgotten rooms and locked cellars, of hidden gardens and empty fountains. A city of glowing urban lights and quiet suburban shadows, of  tender silences, and of the clang and boom of swords and drums. A city where the ghosts of the past link arms with those of the future and dance, drunkenly, under paper lanterns by the river's edge. A city surrounded by dark, deep forests whose lush foliage hides and nurtures dark figures, strange creatures, and night blooming flowers to be used in the secret rituals of feral children. Above all, a city of Secrets."

                                                                                                                         Christopher Conn Askew

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